Signs That Your

Carpet Has Mold

A dirty or damp carpet is the perfect environment for mold to flourish in. However, it can be hard to spot because it doesn't usually grow in visible areas.

The most common place in your carpets for mold to grow is in the underlying layers and padding. When spills occur or store-bought cleaning equipment saturates your carpet, and it doesn't dry properly, all this moisture soaks through your carpets to the underlying layers.

As a result, mold can begin to form in these layers and cause all sorts of problems, from musty odors to health problems. So, how do you tell if your carpet has mold? Here are some of the signs:

A Musty Odor

A musty smell from your carpets, no matter how much you clean, can be one of the most significant signs that something may be growing underneath. The tricky part of this is that it's not a pungent, putrid odor or anything. It can actually be quite subtle. If you lived in your home for a long time, you might not even notice the smell.

However, visitors can usually pick up on it rather quickly. If you spend some time away for a while, you may notice the smell when you return. If your carpets are smelling musty, mold is most likely the culprit.

Increased Sickness and Allergies in the Home

Mold can cause a lot of problems for homeowners, and one of the worst is health problems. Mold exposure can cause an increase in several respiratory issues, such as allergies, breathing issues, asthma, bronchitis, and recurring respiratory tract infections.

If you notice that you or your family are developing any of these problems, or if any existing issues are worsening, you should check for mold. Mold is the most likely cause of these problems.

Perpetually Damp Carpets

A simple spilled drink on the carpet is hardly a cause for concern, so long as you clean it up when it happens and ensure the carpet dries quickly. If you notice that your carpet stays damp for longer than a day when a spill occurs, or if it seems wet for no reason, you have a problem. This dampness can be a sign that mold is growing in your carpet and soaking up this moisture, making your carpets damp for prolonged amounts of time.

Your Carpet is Older

If you've ever seen an older carpet being replaced, you know how much dirt and grime can build up under the carpet over time. The older your carpet is, the higher the chance that mold could be trying to grow underneath.

If your carpet is old and nearing the end of its lifespan, it's a good idea to go ahead and test for mold spores. You may not be experiencing many or any other signs, but age is an essential factor in the cleanliness of your carpets too.

Your Carpet is Changing Color

If you're seeing this sign, the mold has progressed to advanced contamination. When your carpet is changing color, and it's not the result of a simple wine or coffee stain, the mold has made its way from the underlying padding to the surface of your carpet.

You'll begin to see patches of discoloration on your carpet that indicate mold is spreading throughout your flooring. It's highly recommended that you check your carpets much sooner than this to prevent such advanced mold contamination.

Call in the Professionals

If you notice any of the above signs of mold in your carpet, you should contact a professional carpet cleaning company to assess your carpets. They can tell you if you have mold, and they can help you get rid of it. So long as the mold contamination has progressed to advanced stages that may destroy your carpets, a professional carpet cleaning company can clean your floor and rid it of mold and mold spores.