5 Myths About

Professional Carpet Cleaning Debunked

When it comes to professional carpet cleaning, there are plenty of myths and misconceptions surrounding the topic. Many people have come up with carpet cleaning "hacks" that are supposed to save you time and money avoiding professional cleaning.

However, there isn't much truth behind these myths, and some of those carpet cleaning hacks can actually end up costing you money!

In this article, we'll debunk some of these myths and explain the truth behind them. Continue reading to learn more!

1. You Only Need to Clean Your Carpet When it Looks Dirty

Despite how clean your carpet may look, millions of tiny particles that the naked eye cannot see can be hiding in your carpets if you haven't had them cleaned in some time. These particles and organisms can't be removed by regular vacuuming by itself. You won't ever see these minuscule particles or creatures, but you can notice them in other ways.

If allergies and sickness are becoming more common in your home, your carpet's color is becoming duller, or your home smells musty despite cleaning, it's likely time for a carpet cleaning. Professional carpet cleaners use high-quality equipment that's designed to remove all the contaminants in your carpets, leaving them cleaner and your home healthier.

2. You Can Save Money By Waiting Longer Between Professional Cleanings

It can seem expensive to have your carpets cleaned twice a year, as recommended. This leads many homeowners to wait for as long as possible between cleanings to avoid this cost. The problem with this is that you may be avoiding the cost of cleaning your carpets, but you're risking more expensive issues in the process.

The money you spend on regular carpet cleaning is no comparison to the money you'll have to spend replacing damaged carpets. Maintaining your carpets with routine professional cleaning will ensure that it lasts as long as possible and saves you the trouble of prematurely replacing your carpeting.

3. Rental and Store-Bought Carpet Cleaners Work Just as Well

This is one myth that couldn't be further from the truth. There is no end to the rental and store-bought carpet cleaners on the market today. The one thing these machines do well is thoroughly soaking your carpets with water and chemicals all the way to the underlying padding. However, they typically don't have the capacity to extract all this water and chemicals.

This causes your carpet to take days to dry, can cause mold and mildew to form in the carpet, and leaves a residue over your carpets that's sticky and makes the floor feel stiff. All of this can potentially shorten your carpet's lifespan and make your floors much more uncomfortable and possibly hazardous to your health!

Professional carpet cleaning companies' equipment is designed to extract almost all the water from your carpets and doesn't leave any kind of residue. In most cases, your carpet should be dry within two hours, and there's no chance of mold or mildew forming because of a professional carpet cleaner.

4. Carpets Get Dirtier, Faster After Professional Cleanings

This myth was actually true at one time. However, this isn't the case any longer. Professional carpet cleaning back in the day left a residue similar to store-bought cleaners that would attract dirt and grime, causing your carpets to get dirty faster.

Modern professional carpet cleaning equipment no longer leaves this residue, meaning your carpets will not get dirty any faster than they usually would. Most professional carpet cleaners also offer a carpet protector that repels dirt and stains, ensuring that your carpets stay cleaner for longer!

5. Household Cleaners and Carpet Cleaning "Hacks" Work Just as Well as Professional Carpet Cleaning

Our last myth is one of the most widespread myths out there. Many homeowners believe that popular household cleaners and online cleaning hacks will clean their carpets just as well as a professional can. This is not the case. Here are some of the most popular cleaning tricks and what they can really do to your carpet:

  • Bleach: Bleach is an extremely harsh chemical and can severely damage your carpets, whether they're white or not. Not to mention, it can be dangerous for children or pets that come into contact with it on your carpet.
  • Vinegar: Vinegar can work wonders on a myriad of surfaces throughout your home! It's common to use vinegar to remove pet stains from carpet. However, it only removes the visible stain and not the smell, leading to your pet having repeat accidents in the same spot.
  • Paint Thinner: If you've spilled paint on your carpet, it may be tempting to blot some paint thinner on the spot to clean up the mess. However, it can have the same damaging effects as bleach on your carpet fibers.
  • Club Soda: Much like vinegar, club soda only removes the visible stain and not the smell. Not to mention, in most cases, club soda only lightens the stain and doesn't remove it entirely.

Final Thoughts

With these myths debunked, you can now see the clear picture and importance of professional carpet cleaning! You should have your carpets cleaned by a professional at least twice a year. So, if that time's coming up for you, call a professional!